Saturday 26 November 2016

How Your Diet Could Be the Cause of Your Health Problems

There are thousand and one human rights but the most important of them all as I think is the right to educate oneself on health and diet. I consider it very beneficial for all to seek the knowledge because good health is individual’s responsibility. When we fail to do so, the alternative is for us to be slave to diseases.
(c) Harvard Health

According to some researcher’s on laws of success, good health, they discovered as one of the elements of laws of success.
To remain healthy, one should study his feeling after a meal than leaving his whole life to the mercy of his doctor.


The fact remains that humans are exactly what they eat, since man is basically a collection of organic, chemically functioning existence. One is healthy when he eats the right diets that help his organs function properly. Some of the most famous physicians and surgeons have said that 90 to 95 percent of all sickness and disease comes from faulty diet.

That most degenerative diseases are modern diseases- penalties for eating foods that have been demineralised in food factories, others are caused by a type of malnutrition-lack needed minerals and vitamins in the foods. Still some are also caused by natural irritants and additives which be intentionally or unintentionally added to foods (contaminants).

Therefore, after a meal, you should listen to that voice inside that knows what healthy food generally look like. Your diet can have effect on your mood and sense of well-being, you can identify a wrong diet by your feeling after a meal. On the other hand, the more wrong diet you consume, the more likely you are to feel uncomfortable, fatigue, sleeplessness, dizziness, and aches can be signs.

The negative signs can be as a result of chemical reactions between the organic compounds of the body and the wrong food eaten, as is always found in chemistry. pesistant consumption of wrong diet (food) may have a resultant effect on the involved organ which may lead to a break down or poor performance of the organ. The products of the wrong reactions – toxins or poisons are what destroy or reduce the efficiency of the organ. At times, these toxins when released into the blood stream can trigger off a condition known as fever.

The effects of wrong diets or food may not be immediately realized but this is no evidence that it is not harmful. Few can be made to believe that it is the food they have consumed which has poisoned their blood and caused their suffering.


By listening to you feeling after a meal can help you to identify the particular foods that are causing you problems. Science has proved the best treatment to allergy is abstinence. Therefore, when you identify the particular foods that are causing you problems, remove them from your diet and replace with the more acceptable healthy ones. At times they may be the usual food you have been enjoying. This might be so because of advancement in age. The body vital organs performance decreases with increase in age.

Whenever there is a balance in the diet consumed and the body chemistry, the person always feels fine and healthy.

By identifying and avoiding the particular foods that give you negative signs, you save yourself from suffering certain ill health.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Violation of the Natural Laws of Health - pt 1

Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that was resulted from a violation of the laws of health.

When any of the laws that guide health is broken, nature will swing into action whereby the affected system or organ will struggle to remove the intruder which may result in fever, weakness of the body, dizziness, stiffness of any part of the body, decay of some parts of the body, etc. This resultant condition is known as the “unease” of the affected organ or the whole body systems.

image credit:
In essence, health does not depend on chance rather, is a result of obedience to the laws of health.

There are thousand and one law that guide health, of which a breakage of one them may lead to a resultant condition known as “disease”.

Drugs at times do not cure disease though they may sometimes afford present relief and the patient appears to recover as a result of their use; this is because nature has sufficient vital force to expel the poison and correct the conditions that caused the disease. In most cases drug only changes the form and location of the disease. Often the effect of the poison seems to be overcome for a time but the result remain in the system and work great havoc at later at later period.There are some major laws of health:
  •     Good and adequate nutrition
  •     Invigorating exercise
  •     Pure water etc.
The careless inattention to laws of health are major sources of diseases in humans. Throughout the whole world much attention is being given to the treatment of disease forgetting the essential part of disease; the causes and prevention of it. No problem can be properly solved unless the root cause is identified and removed then the solution can be properly handled.

Good and adequate nutrition has been indicted as the number one law of health, but less or no attention is given to it in some countries of the world particularly Nigeria for example, The health challenges in this country has never been traced to the bad and inadequate nutrition being practiced all over the country.